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Clydach Primary School

Be the best you can be Byddwch Y Gorau


Safeguarding is our core business 


We will follow the All Wales Child Protection Procedures that have been endorsed by the Regional Safeguarding Children Board.


The school will: 

- ensure it has a Designated Senior Person for child protection who has undertaken appropriate training. The people are, Mr Ben Jones & Mr David Roe, Designated Governor with Child Protection responsibility, Mr J Nicholds. 


- recognise the role of the Designated Senior Person and arrange support and training.


ensure every member of staff and every governor knows:

- the name of the Designated Senior Person and their role and the designated governor for child protection

- that they have an individual responsibility for referring child protection concerns using the proper channels and within the timescales agreed with the Local Safeguarding Children Board

- how to take forward those concerns where the Designated Senior Person is unavailable.

- ensure that members of staff are aware of the need to be alert to signs of abuse and know how to respond to a pupil who may disclose abuse Prevention Procedures

- ensure that parents have an understanding of the responsibility placed on the school and staff for child protection 

- ensure all staff undertake any agreed local authority child protection training relevant to their role 


provide a child protection briefing at least termly for all staff so that they know:

- their personal responsibility

- the agreed local procedures

- the need to be vigilant in identifying cases of abuse

- how to support a child who discloses abuse

- any new child protection issues or changes in procedures n


notify local social services if:

- a pupil on the child protection register is excluded either for a fixed term or permanently

- if there is an unexplained absence of a pupil on the child protection register of more than two days duration from school (or one day following a weekend)

- work to develop effective links with relevant agencies and co-operate as required with their enquiries regarding child protection matters; including attendance at strategy meetings, initial/review child protection conferences and core group together with the submission of written reports to the conferences.

- keep written records of concerns about children (noting the date, event and action taken), even where there is no need to refer the matter to social services immediately

- ensure all records are kept secure and in locked locations

- adhere to the procedures set out in the Welsh Government circular

- ensure that recruitment and selection procedures are made in accordance with Welsh Government guidance ‘Keeping Learners Safe’

- designate a governor for child protection who will oversee the school child protection policy and practice.