Be the best you can be Byddwch Y Gorau
Name | Role |
Mr J Nicholds | CoG LA governor |
Vacancy |
Mr M Frew | LA governor |
Jonathan Morgan | LA governor |
Andrew Lewis | Parent governor |
Kate Penquet | Parent governor |
Susan Powell | Community governor |
Sarah Hooke | LA governor |
Gemma Gillam | Parent governor |
S Applin | Parent Governor |
S Morris | Parent governor |
James Harris | LA governor |
Mr Lloyd Bevan | Teacher governor |
Miss Sheridan Wood | Teacher governor |
Miss Aimee Williams | Associate staff governor |
Ben Jones (HT) | Headteacher |
David Roe (Observer) | Deputy Headteacher |
If you wish to contact the governing body this can be done via emailing the school FAO: The governing body.